
Give Give

Proverbs 3:9 says, "Honor the Lord with your wealth and with the first fruits of all your produce." Everything that has been given to us is a gift from God.  Therefore, giving should be a priority since we have received these gifts.  Giving cheerfully, sacrificially, and consistently is a part of worship.

Giving online is easy and secure and can be done one time or on a recurring basis with your debit card.  Dublin Baptist does not see or keep your information.  We use a third-party group that will process the gift.  The third-party processor is dedicated to serving Churches and Christian organizations.  If you want more information on their security protocols, please click this link (VANCO Security).

In addition to online giving, we also use Text to give.  If you want to give with your cellphone, please text "Dublin" and "the amount you would like to give" to 73256.  Standard text messaging and data rates do apply.

You can also give through the mail.  Please send your gift to the following address: Dublin Baptist Church, Attn: Accounting, 7195 Coffman Road, Dublin, Ohio 43017.

If you have any questions, please call the church office at 614-889-2307.

Frequently Asked Questions

There are other methods of giving.  Please see below:

1) Text to give.  If you want to give with your cellphone, please text "Dublin" and "the amount you would like to give" to 73256.  Standard text messaging and data rates do apply.

2) You can give at the offering plate during services.

3) You can give through the mail.  Please send your gift to the following address: Dublin Baptist Church, Attn: Accounting, 7195 Coffman Road, Dublin, Ohio 43017.

4) You can give a securities donation.

5) You can give a planned gift or through minimum distributions.

It's as easy as initiating a transfer with your broker.  You or your broker may electronically initiate the transfer of shares to the Dublin Baptist Church brokerage account.  Please call the church accounting office and notify them of your securities donation.  The phone number is 614-889-2307

Planned gifts are retirement assets, bequests, trusts, etc.  Several types of gifts may fall under this category, many of which are very simple to make.  These gifts include the following:

1) Life Insurance: you can simply name Dublin Baptist Church as a beneficiary.

2) Retirement Assets: you can name Dublin Baptist Church as a beneficiary of your IRA, 401(k), or other qualified retirement plan.  Any amounts remaining in your plan, free of income and estate taxes, will transfer to Dublin Baptist Church

3) Bequests: you can name Dublin Baptist Church in your will as a beneficiary, and your estate will receive an income tax deduction for the value of your bequest.  A bequest written in a will can be made for either a percentage or an amount.

After age 70 1/2, the government requires you to take a minimum distribution on any retirement account.  You can direct your retirement fund manager to give your minimum distribution to Dublin Baptist Church.