
J.D. Davis
Senior Pastor
Masashi Sugita
Japanese Chapel Pastor
Jason Lehotsky
Business/Facilities Manager
Nathan Stewart
Pastor of Music and Worship
Amy Curry
Children's Director
Patty Giammarco
Preschool and Mom's Day Out Director
Riley Fernandez
Student MinisterWhat We Believe
We believe the Bible was inspired by the Holy Spirit and is infallible.
We believe that the One True God exists in three persons: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
We believe Jesus to be God and became flesh by a virgin birth. We believe in His sinless life, His miracles, His substitutionary death for our sins, His bodily resurrection, and ascension. We believe Jesus will return one day in power and glory.
We believe in an essential and eternal salvation by grace alone can only be received as a gift of God through faith in Jesus Christ as our Savior and Lord.
We believe in the one true church as the Body of Christ, made up of believers who are being equipped to do the work of ministry. We believe the church is locally autonomous and functions through worship, fellowship, discipleship, ministry, and evangelism. We believe in two church ordinances: a believer's baptism and the Lord's Supper (Communion).
We believe in the Gospel of Jesus Christ and believe it should be presented, preached, and shared with all people everywhere. We believe it is the privilege of believers to engage in mission and discipleship locally, nationally, and internationally.
For more information about what we believe, see the "Baptist Faith and Message" adopted by the SBC in 2000.
Frequently Asked Questions
We prefer that you wear clothes, but all kidding aside, attire differs by the person. On any given Sunday, you will find people in suits and dresses, casual shirts, and blue jeans. Most people fall somewhere in between.
As you enter our parking lot from either direction, you will find signs directing you to a section of parking set aside for guests. These parking slots are set aside for you.
We have something for everyone in your family here at DBC. Our age-appropriate classes are geared to engage children, no matter their age, in learning about the love of Christ and God's plan for them as they grow up. Stop at our Connect Stations; someone can help you check in with our preschool and elementary areas. We have classes for birth to 6th grade at 9:45 AM. During the 11:00 AM service, we have classes for birth to 4th grade.
Youth from between the 7th grade and the 12th grade meet in one of several Bible study classes at 9:45 AM. We encourage our teenagers to join us for our Sunday service at 11 AM. On Sunday at 6 PM, they gather across the street in the ARC for student worship and fellowship. On Wednesday evenings, we encourage our teens to serve in the choir, orchestra, on the tech team, in ELL, or with the children's and preschool ministries.